Posts in Communication
Why Nanny Interviews Should be Kid Free

Just like with almost everything else in the nanny field, nanny interviews are unlike any other type of job interview. Why? Because most of the time, a nanny interview involves the nanny having to articulately converse with the parents while simultaneously interacting with the children. It's like the ultimate test of one's ability to multitask. While nannying certainly requires a strong level of multitasking and kids should absolutely be a part of the interview process, the initial in-person interview (notice I did not say initial phone interview) should not involve any multitasking or any kids. I personally feel it's unreasonable to expect a nanny to enthusiastically engage the kids while also discussing important things like parenting style, job roles/expectations, pay, etc. As a nanny who has had to do this MANY times at job interviews, I'm here to say that it is a hard...VERY hard...thing to do. The few times I've interviewed with parents sans kids, I was able to think more clearly and express myself better.

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Traveling with Your Nanny (It’s Your Vacation – Not Theirs)

We've already covered the protocol for when a family goes on vacation and chooses NOT to take their nanny, but how should a family go about traveling with their nanny? This is a question many parents and nannies have. Just like with most everything else, because there is no set law regarding this, a lot of parents and nannies simply do not know the industry standards when it comes to this topic. That being said, while I genuinely believe some people simply don't know, I'm not sure how that often results in parents totally low balling and trying to take advantage of their nanny. If parents would simply put themselves in their nanny's shoes, I think they would see what they are offering in a totally different light.

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When Families Go on Vacation Without Their Nanny

All too often parents expect their nanny to make their family a priority, while not offering the same in return. Parents, you cannot have your cake and eat it too. If you expect your nanny to prioritize your family, you better plan to prioritize your nanny. If you expect your nanny to offer consistent availability, you better plan to offer your nanny consistent pay.

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Nanny Pay: Guaranteed Hours Vs. Salary

These are the two most confused terms in the nanny profession. I frequently encounter people using these terms interchangeably when they're not interchangeable. While similar, guaranteed hours and salary are not the same thing. Let me repeat, they.are.not.the.same.thing. Let's break it down:

Guaranteed hours are exactly that -- hours that are guaranteed to a nanny so they can rely on a consistent paycheck.

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3 Questions Every Nanny Needs to Ask at an Interview

This article is not about how to interview or market yourself to a potential nanny family. Instead, it is about how a nanny should interview a family to find out about potential employers. This is one of the most important things a nanny needs to do before accepting ANY nanny position. The interview for a nanny job goes both ways — while the family is interviewing and vetting the nanny, the nanny is interviewing and vetting the family at the same time. In addition to asking the parents basic questions about job expectations, compensation, or parenting style, a nanny NEEDS to inquire about the family's history with nannies. Are they good employers? Do they appreciate and respect their nannies? Are they reliable? Do they pay on time? Do they have unreasonable expectations? Are they micromanagers? Do they expect their nanny to clean up after their own messes? And most importantly, would their previous nannies recommend them and work for them again?

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Ask Brooke: How Much Housework is Too Much?

How much housework is too much to ask of your nanny? When does it cross the line from being helpful to being taken advantage of? -- Anonymous

This is a tough question to answer because it's subjective. What one might deem as too much housework, another might feel is fair. That being said, I do believe there is a general industry standard when it comes to this and if a nanny is doing more than the industry standard, they should genuinely consider giving themselves a different title, such as housekeeper/nanny or nanny/personal assistant (which should include a pay raise).

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This is How a Nanny Share Actually Works!

Here's the deal, I love the idea of a nanny share in concept, however I have never accepted a nanny share job offer because the parents and I have always differed on what exactly that concept is. I have yet to meet a parent who fully understands how a nanny share should work. I know that there are amazing parents out there who know the true definition of a nanny share and do it correctly, but they are few and far between.

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How to Be a No-Nonsense Nanny

The three rules of nannying are, as I learned them, to be loving, firm, and fun every day. At first I assumed that meant the kids, but sometimes it applies to the parents, too! That's what it means when I say I'm a no-nonsense nanny. You have to be loving: Show compassion for their problems and provide flexible support. Be fun: I accidentally took my nanny kids to a cemetery as an outing the other day, and immediately sent my boss a text not because she needed to know that very second, but because I knew it would make her laugh. Be firm: Do no harm, but take no shit.

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Saying Goodbye: A Nanny's Perspective

As a nanny, saying goodbye to a family is one of the most stressful and difficult things to do. Because the nanny-family relationship is both professional and personal, it's emotionally very hard to give notice. It can even be difficult when the nanny has every right to quit due to mistreatment and/or being taken advantage of. I say this with personal experience. Quitting my nanny jobs has NEVER been easy and I've cried just about every time I've done it.

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